Friday, September 9, 2016

Words of Wisdom

As I sit here and type this last entry for my entrepreneur class, there is a sense of pride and humility for all that I have learned and accomplished this past semester. I wish I could remember half of what I have learned. It went so fast it seemed like a blur. I've read a lot of material in the last 6 or 7 weeks and I wish I could go back and really digest everything. It was so interesting to me but way above my comprehension. But I think I've gathered enough information to help me grow my business and keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive in me. Everything was relative and relevant to my life and to my entrepreneur goals. I've been motivated by personal and professional interviews from people I look up to and hope to emulate a piece of their wisdom in my own life. My classmates gave me that extra boast and encouragement to dream big and to work hard. My family support has been so influential and motivating and I do all of this for them. To those who might read this blog, I send you off with a few words of wisdom from my 34 years of life and 5 years of trial and error in the business world. Its not much, but for what its worth, I know it will make a difference in your life. First, pay your tithing. I hate to bring in the religious aspect of money but it has been a foundation of strength for me. I promise it has nothing to do with money! Donating 10% of my income to the church has nothing to do with money, but EVERYTHING to do with faith. Business is hard. It is very risky. I guess that's why they say its "risky business." Combating risk has everything to do with faith. Faith in a brighter future. Faith in being successful. Faith that customers will buy my product and enjoy it. Faith really is a key factor in my progression. I am far from being successful but faith has lead me to all my little growth spurts throughout my life. It has given me the strength to overcome my fears. Trust me, it is very scary to provide for a family of 5 dependents reliant upon my ability to put food on the table, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their heads. They depend on me and I must depend on a higher power because I cannot do it alone. Trusting in someone you can't see or even exist takes faith. Faith is power that can only be activated by my actions. You might say I do things blindly, but I can tell you I am acting on pure faith. Paying my tithes and offerings to the church is part of my formula for exercising my faith. That's just what I do. It works for me. It's worked for millions of others. God doesn't bless me with magical checks in the mail, or unknown deposits to my bank account. I honestly believe God just gives me what I need. It is sufficient for my needs and growth as an entrepreneur. One weakness I have is my ability, or lack thereof, to communicate effectively. I can get by with my writing but my conversations with others and public speaking needs a lot of work. One common theme I have noticed with all successful entrepreneurs is their ability to communicate effectively with the public and within their businesses. It seems so basic yet it is very difficult for me. I've even avoided all my English classes until I absolutely need to take them. This is more venting than advising but practice practice practice. That's all I can say. Practice in front of a mirror. Ask others for constructive criticism. Read the dictionary. Add more vocabulary to your arsenal. Most importantly, read read read!! Read a book every day. Read the scriptures everyday. Just read it!! Last but definitely not least, ask God for help. They say meditation and prayer every morning is good for the soul. For me, its more of an accounting of what I've done for the day. Its also a time to give thanks to the God who gave me everything! The strength to wake up, the air you breathe, the protection over my family while at work, and the opportunities to advance in my career. All things given can be taken in the same breath. If we desire success as an entrepreneur, God counsels us to ask in faith, nothing wavering. Ask and it shall be given unto to you. As you can tell there is a spiritual theme to every thing I have conveyed to you. This is the type of entrepreneur I am. This is all I know. Alvin the entrepreneur and Alvin the spiritual person are the same person. Again, I don't claim to have monetary success. Hell, I don't even claim to be the angel you might perceive me as. All I want you to know is these things have worked for me personally. But I'm pretty sure it will work for you as well. The rewards may differ but nevertheless, we receive blessings regardless. I wish all of you the best in your business endeavors. Remember to have faith, pay your tithes, read, and pray. Those are good principles to live by. Until next time. Alooooooooooooooha!!

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