Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Becoming a Lifelong Learner

I was reminded of the simple truth of revelation and how much it actually applies to business. I read about a man named Randy Haykin who started his own business based off of what he had learned through out the years working for big corporations. Part of his success as an entrepreneur was thanks to his attitude of lifelong learning. I've related much of what I learned from Randy Haykin to a simple, but important gospel subject: Revelation. I've come to realize how wonderful and awesome the human mind is. Science has discovered that we only utilize 11% of our brains. I think our minds are so much more capable than what science has taught us. I think we continue to expand our minds based on what our Heavenly Father is willing to grant us through revelation. It's our duty to be open to the Spirit when he prompts us. Likewise, it is our duty to be open minded and ready to learn when the opportunity presents itself. Those are times when God says, "see what I've been trying to teach you all along!" It starts with having an attitude of willingness to continue to learn. Let us be lifelong learners no matter how much we know, what we've learned, who taught who, and what degree we've attained. There's always something to learn, no matter who you are:)

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